Bisht, Please! (2017)

IMDb Summary: The misadventures of a good girl.

'Bisht, Please!' is an Indian TV miniseries that tells the story about a 'good' old fashioned girl, Bisht, who tries to do everything by the rules. She ends up getting pushed around by everyone and hence everyone around her takes advantage of her and asks her to do tasks for them, succeeded with a meaningless 'please'; a request that she will always oblige (hence the title!).

While this TV series has some really amazing moments, the script falls short by a mile. Some parts are so splendidly written, while the others just drag along way too much. This series contains some amazing dark and sexual humour, which is not so commonly seen in Indian live action media and is a pleasant surprise. There are places in this miniseries where the silliest of jokes are played out but they are so amazingly placed and so well executed that its guaranteed to make you laugh (its like one of those try not to laugh at shitty jokes challenge).

Well, I'd have really liked to have seen this TV series to be amazing. Sadly, the writers just didn't let this miniseries get there. Its disappointing, but at the same time, its a good watch, if not for the entire series but for the good parts which I have to tell you are a must watch. On the whole, I'll give this a 6/10 on IMDb. It just has very short 6 episodes in the first season so you could give it a go without a lot of investment of your time. You may be pleasantly surprised.


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