Strike (2017)

IMDb Plot Summary: Private investigator Cormoran Strike is hired to find out if a supermodel's suicide in London may have been a murder.

I am a big (big is an understatement actually) fan of Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling)'s Cormoran Strike novel series. I was just so overjoyed when I had heard sometime back that Rowling had agreed to adaptation of her Strike novels to the big screen. I was expecting the adaption would manifest itself in the form of a movie but I was pleasantly surprised when yesterday I found out that the adaptation was in fact in the form of a TV series that had rolled out by the title 'Strike'.

Let me put this out there first - this TV series is near perfect. I can guarantee that there can never be as good and as perfect a conversion from a book series to a TV series as this one. The makers of this TV show didn't take a lot of liberty with the story; in fact, everything in this series is almost exactly the same as in the book, including the dialogues; pretty much every single thing that happens in the book happens in the TV show. I couldn't have asked for better people to play my favourite characters. Both Cormoran and Robin are exactly like I imagined. The scene in the book where Cormoran pulls up Robin by her blouse to prevent her from falling down the stairs when she first meets Cormoran at her office is preserved as is in the TV series which just makes you jump with joy as soon as the TV show starts as to just how much justice this show does to the book. Not just the main cast, the side cast are just as perfect. Near perfect direction, sound and script. Frankly speaking, the Cormoran Strike novels couldn't have been adapted into a live action platform any better than this. Thank you BBC for making this amazing show.

An IMDb 10/10. If you are a fan of the novel series, you are gonna jump with joy. If you aren't, you are still gonna find this to be an amazing crime/detective series.


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