The Deuce (2017)
IMDb Plot Summary: A look at life in New York City during the 1970s and '80s when porn and prostitution were rampant in Manhattan.
I'm usually not a fan of movies and shows set in the drug and sex world of the 70s and the 80s but this show works amazingly well even for someone like me who isn't a fan of this sub genre. Up until now, only the first episode has aired, so its a little too soon to make up my mind about this show, but as far as the pilot goes, it looks really good. James Franco plays a double role. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays a sex worker. There's a lot of nudity in this show, as would be expected from the plot. I have a really good feeling about this one.
I'll update this blog post as the show progresses. For now, I'll give it an IMDb 9/10 and put it on the 'recommended' list.
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