Tripling (2016)
IMDb Plot Summary: Divorced, jobless, hopeless. Three siblings plan a road trip together. Chandan, Chanchal & Chitvan. Together they start a hilarious journey, to find themselves and their relations.
Tripling is the story of three siblings who, although haven't been in close touch for a long time, end up taking a road trip as a result of unforeseen circumstances and end up re-kindling their relationship in the process. This one's an Indian TV miniseries and I have to say that its bloody brilliant for most parts.
The only major flaw here though is that the last 1 1/2 episodes fall short in terms of the script where it becomes way too slow and drags on and on. It would have worked really well for the show had it cut down on one episode and made the ending much more tighter. Anyhow, the show's still really good and one of the really good feel good shows that I have watched.
An IMDb 9/10.
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