Narcos (2015)

'To kill a monster, sometimes, you have to get in bed with other monsters. If that surprises you, pick up a history book. Its what we do; the enemy of my enemy is my friend'

IMDb Plot Summary: A chronicled look at the criminal exploits of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, as well as the many other drug kingpins who plagued the country through the years.

The first two seasons of this genius TV show was about the drug lord Pablo Escobar. Now everyone knows about Pablo and so the fact that he dies at the end of it all should come as no surprise to anyone. And since the first two seasons were solely focused on Escobar and his empire and everything that surrounded his reign, with his death, we all decided without even giving it a second thought that this amazing TV show had come to an end. And today I browse the internet to find Narcos has hit us all with another season! This time focusing on the Cali cartel that grew while everyone was focused on Pablo's empire.

The first episode looks amazing. And given this show's track record, I don't see why this season will be any different. An IMDb 10/10 and of course a must watch. I'll get back to binge watching the rest of the series then.


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