What is 'Atypical Binging' all about?

I watch way too many TV shows and movies. Yes, of course, there are millions of people all over the world just like me in this regard. But unlike most people who binge on movies and TV shows for entertainment, I do it for some other reason. And here's why.

A simple google search reveals the average life span of a human being to be about 79 years. Compared to everything that our life has to offer, this time period that we have on our hands is so minuscule. For me, this is where movies and TV shows step in. In the short time that I have got to spend on this wonderful planet, this medium lets me enjoy not just my own life but also the lives of all the characters that I get to watch on screen, thereby effectively increasing the intake of all that life has to offer, for myself. This is why I call my binge watching 'addiction' 'atypical binging'. I do not do it just for entertainment - it serves a greater purpose!

People often say that watching movies and TV shows are a waste of time. The argument stands that they are nothing but merely forms of entertainment, a waste of valuable time which could have been much more productively spent. Another argument that comes up is that most of what most movies and TV shows show their viewers would never happen in real life and hence the argument that you could learn about life from it, is null and void! Well, now I would like to counter these arguments gracefully. While it is true that most movies do not showcase life as it is, every well made movie holds hidden somewhere beneath it, amazing values for life that you can adopt. When you watch more and more, you start viewing the world in a different perspective. You get to see the world from the viewpoint of all these amazing different characters that you view on screen and you ultimately get to shape your own opinions on these views, thereby helping you mould yourself into a better person with all these new influx of views you get to shape your own opinions on. This is what makes watching movies and TV shows truly amazing.

Every time I finish watching a movie or a TV show, here's what I used to do. 1. Take some time to contemplate what I saw. 2. Go to IMDb and rate the movie. 3. Open Facebook and write a review on the movie. I shall be making changes to point 3 above and instead of posting these reviews on Facebook, I shall be posting them here. In addition, I shall use this blog to post movie and TV show lists, some additional content on movies and TV shows and maybe sometimes, talking about movies and TV shows and how it has an impact on my life and maybe the world in general. Any time I form thoughts on anything movies or TV shows related, its gonna end up here.

If there is one thing that I would 'not' want to change in my life till now is the massive amount of time that I have spent watching movies and TV shows. These have definitely helped shape me into the person I am and I am happy with how I have turned out to be. And hence, my 'atypical binging' shall continue on, and on, and on...and I invite you to be a part of my amazing journey!


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