Equals (2015)

'It's so weird; I'm like... I keep thinking about... Ever since we were kids, it's been drilled to us that our purpose is to explore the universe, you know? Outer space is where we'll find the answers to why we're here and where we come from. It's like everyone's... searching for these answers eight hundred million miles away and the truth is the answers are right in front of us'

IMDb Plot Summary: In an emotionless utopia, two people fall in love when they regain their feelings from a mysterious disease, causing tensions between them and their society.

Equals is set in a society where emotions are considered to be defects or a disease in humans and have been, over time, removed from the human gene because it was thought of as the reason for a massive war that took place. Sometimes for some people, this repressed gene that's responsible for emotions surface and they are considered to be defective members of the human species who are treated like cancer patients where emotions would surface in multiple stages and at stage 4, the person is sent to 'the den' where they are painlessly executed.

Set in this society is the story of a man who one day suddenly starts to feel emotions. He forms a bond with a woman who has had control of her emotions for a long time, who has kept it hidden from other people, and they fall in love. This starts a chain of events that lead to disastrous consequences for the couple who live in a world that fails to understand that emotions are what makes us humans in the first place.

The acting in this movie is terrific. Both Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hault play their characters to perfection. I consider both these actors to be best suited for a particular type of role and this movie suit them perfectly. Even the direction is good. Sadly, the plot just doesn't keep up with the movie. Its gets way too boring for most parts once you are 15 minutes into the movie.

Amazing potential but disappointing execution. An IMDb 6/10.


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