Death Note (2017)
IMDb Plot Summary: Light Turner, a bright student, stumbles across a mystical notebook that has the power to kill any person whose name he writes in it. Light decides to launch a secret crusade to rid the streets of criminals. Soon, the student-turned-vigilante finds himself pursued by a famous detective known only by the alias L.
Death Note has got to be one of the most popular and well done anime of all time. When I heard Netflix was gonna make an American remake, I was too damn excited. And today that I've watched it, I'm utterly devastated.
This movie is a 101 on how to destroy an amazing concept. Everything in the movie was bad; from the acting, to the direction, to the script, the graphics special effects, the sound, the cinematography...if I have left anything out, feel free to add them here. Death Note is the sort of story where you need to develop a strong emotional connection to the characters and the way this movie is implemented makes it absolutely impossible. I felt as if I was watching a really bad sequel of Final Destination. They changed the story completely from the anime and its just plain bad.
Well, I'm never getting excited for another live action anime adaptation again. This movie sort of broke my heart into tiny little pieces. If you have never watched the anime, go watch that. If you have already done that, go watch it again. That'd still be better than this crap.
An IMDb 3/10.
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